+49 171 54 63 227 8:00 - 16:00
Send the parcel


Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic, Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg

Ask for an offer

Check the shipment status

Enter the bill of lading number and the security key to check the status of your shipment.

We know transport like no other

We will pick up the parcels from you

You do not have to deliver your parcels to our warehouse. We will come to you for them ourselves.

The service may be additionally payable

Always be up to date with the shipment statuses

You can check the status of your shipments at any time in our shipment management system.

You will get an access to the system after prior registration

Fast deliveries within the Western Europe

The shipment of furniture to Western European countries has never been so fast and easy.

The average delivery time is around a week.

Send your first shipment and see the difference

Service in Polish, German and English.

Our multilingual team tries to always communicate with the recipient without any problems.

Bringing in and assembling furniture

We provide the service of bringing and assembling furniture. Ask for an offer.

Delivery 7 days a week

Do you want your commodities to arrive at the weekend? We provide our services every day of the week.

Pickup of parcels from producers

You do not need a warehouse. We can pick up your parcels straight from the factory.